1.   Even states with very different forms of life and different moral world views do in fact behave in similar ways.

2.   He believes the change in the world view has occurred because of the new developments in communications.

3.   Ideas expressed at many different periods, or in many different contexts, have been assembled into a definitive world view.

4.   In their efforts to curb immorality purists carefully distanced themselves from a world view totally determined by heredity.

5.   It is built into a world view which, given time, rarely fails to bubble up.

6.   It is in this way a world view, of which psychoanalysis forms an important part.

7.   It is part of a disturbingly unilateralist world view that extends beyond defence.

8.   Now she was gaining a whole new world view.

9.   The traditional Indian world view is based on certain definite concepts.

10.   Their world views are so different that we can not treat them as participants in the same world.

n. + view >>共 453
world 13.54%
ocean 5.43%
minority 4.67%
majority 2.14%
page 1.68%
consensus 1.68%
mountain 1.61%
side 1.61%
river 1.61%
government 1.53%
world + n. >>共 502
champion 12.87%
championship 9.16%
leader 7.32%
market 6.47%
record 4.63%
title 3.94%
body 3.65%
economy 2.92%
price 2.18%
stage 1.30%
view 0.77%
每页显示:    共 176