1.   Alvin Ailey dancers say workout regimens outside the dance studio inform their onstage performances.

2.   At the Y, each FitLinxx member is assigned a trainer and together they set up a workout regimen.

3.   Batesole remembers giving Sledge a familiar speech about how to follow a consistent workout regimen during his year off.

4.   Barkley, whose vigorous workout regimen has helped him shed several pounds, and Smith handled the course reasonably well.

5.   A spring workout regimen of running and lifting weights has been stressed during the past two years that Freeman has been around the program.

6.   But one look at him, and a tracking of his workout regimen, indicates he may be in the best physical condition of his career.

7.   Cruz celebrated long and hard and found it difficult to return to his workout regimen.

8.   Despite the injuries, Grossman continued his intense workout regimen and gradually regained his diving form.

9.   Fitch will suggest a heavy workout regimen for Roberts, which he will probably ignore.

10.   For Chuck Knoblauch, the second baseman, that means maintaining a strict diet and workout regimen and drinking lots of water.

n. + regimen >>共 111
drug 15.30%
exercise 11.08%
workout 9.50%
treatment 9.50%
fitness 5.54%
offseason 2.64%
chemotherapy 1.85%
rehabilitation 1.85%
practice 1.58%
therapy 1.32%
workout + n. >>共 122
program 13.19%
regimen 8.33%
room 7.64%
schedule 4.86%
routine 4.63%
clothes 4.40%
video 3.70%
session 2.78%
time 2.55%
partner 2.31%
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