1.   As is the Disney way, the security workers handled the very un-Disney tasks with company smiles.

2.   He also encouraged investigators to examine how state workers handled the case.

3.   In an interview, Carlson said that workers handle big projects well, but often overreact to things that are relatively unimportant.

4.   It is also plunging into the fast-growing unified messaging market, which allows workers to handle voice mail, e-mail and faxes on one computer in-box.

5.   Postal workers now are handling letters and packages with extra caution.

6.   She is investigating child abuse and neglect at a time when CPS workers are handling a record number of reports.

7.   State workers handle traffic on the principal part of the railway Fepasa shares with the state-owned line, which left many trains stranded, Grebe said.

8.   The giant package distributor worries about costs that may come with a standard, such as a requirement that more workers handle heavy packages.

9.   The postal worker handled a route whose mail fed into the Trenton regional mail-sorting center in Hamilton Township, just outside the capital.

10.   Two ships loading and unloading gasoline and liquefied natural gas were handled by workers from Petroleo Brasileiro SA and Codesp.

n. + handle >>共 757
company 4.31%
system 2.69%
police 2.53%
agency 2.49%
people 1.98%
court 1.86%
government 1.74%
office 1.62%
team 1.34%
official 1.26%
worker 0.83%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
handle 0.10%
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