1.   As a result, the FBI has been withdrawing its personnel from the scene in an effort to avoid the appearance of maintaining an armed camp.

2.   The State Department withdrew non-essential personnel from Israel and Kuwait to protect them from possible Iraqi retaliation for an American military strike.

3.   A week after the embassy closure, the FBI withdrew its personnel investigating the attack on a U.S. destroyer, concerned that violence might be directed at them.

4.   However the international body has withdrawn its personnel for safety reasons.

5.   However the international body withdrew the personnel for safety reasons.

6.   In those communiques the United States agreed to withdraw official personnel from Taiwan and to end a mutual security treaty.

7.   Lavrov demanded to know why the decision to withdraw U.N. personnel was made without informing the council.

8.   Most international aid organizations have withdrawn personnel from northwestern and central Burundi following threats and the deaths of three Red Cross workers.

9.   No independent accounts are available since reporters have been barred from the area and international relief agencies have withdrawn their personnel.

10.   On suggestion has been to deploy a NATO rescue team in neighboring Macedonia to withdraw OSCE personnel quickly in case of trouble.

v. + personnel >>共 334
have 4.39%
train 2.84%
kill 2.58%
send 2.32%
evacuate 2.24%
include 2.15%
injure 1.98%
use 1.89%
withdraw 1.81%
deploy 1.81%
withdraw + n. >>共 651
troop 14.59%
support 6.91%
money 5.53%
force 5.05%
offer 2.56%
ambassador 2.15%
name 2.09%
application 1.61%
candidacy 1.59%
peacekeeper 1.47%
personnel 0.32%
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