1.   American warplanes destroyed Libyan fighters, transport planes, and helicopters and the Pentagon eagerly showed reporters tapes of the Libyan aircraft being blown up.

2.   In less than three hours, its warplanes destroyed the Egyptian air force as it sat on the ground.

3.   NATO warplanes destroyed a bridge over the Danube River and struck at military units in Kosovo.

4.   NATO said its warplanes destroyed seven tanks on Friday.

5.   The report came as the Pentagon said U.S. warplanes destroyed a compound in eastern Afghanistan it believes was used by the chief of intelligence for the fallen Taliban regime.

6.   The report came as the Pentagon said U.S. warplanes destroyed a compound in eastern Afghanistan used by the chief of intelligence for the fallen Taliban regime.

7.   An Albanian army officer at the Morini border crossing said NATO warplanes destroyed four defensive bunkers several hundred yards inside Albanian territory.

8.   In April, Israeli warplanes destroyed a Syrian army radar station in central Lebanon in retaliation for a guerrilla attack in the south that killed an Israeli soldier.

9.   In response Friday, Israeli warplanes destroyed the Palestinian government headquarters in the West Bank town of Tulkarem.

10.   Israeli warplane destroys Palestinian headquarters in Tulkarem.

n. + destroy >>共 846
fire 9.80%
bomb 3.99%
explosion 3.51%
blast 3.10%
force 2.94%
troop 2.04%
attack 1.40%
missile 1.21%
blaze 1.08%
army 1.08%
warplane 0.93%
warplane + v. >>共 193
attack 12.67%
bomb 12.22%
fire 6.69%
strike 5.53%
raid 5.08%
blast 4.42%
fly 4.00%
launch 3.10%
pound 2.93%
carry 2.89%
destroy 1.20%
每页显示:    共 29