1.   The Court refused to allow itself to be caught in a circular argument as to which State needed to waive immunity first.

2.   And, he said, the Legislature has not waived sovereign immunity to the suit.

3.   Because he obtained the money illegally, Whitacre waived immunity under his cooperation agreement.

4.   Because of his financial frauds, the government determined that he had violated the terms of his cooperation agreement and waived his immunity from price-fixing charges.

5.   A government will waive its immunity when officials think that an individual or a business has been harmed by its action.

6.   After the accident, some officials expressed hope that Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze might waive immunity in the case of Makharadze.

7.   But Florida and most other states have either waived immunity to allow lawsuits against agencies or limited damages.

8.   But it would be up to the Georgian government whether to waive immunity, the officials cautioned, adding that such a waiver is extremely rare.

9.   But Lilley threatened to waive immunity, which convinced them to leave.

10.   Even if Parliament voted to waive his immunity, Italian law guarantees him at least two appeals before the convictions take force.

v. + immunity >>共 157
grant 14.92%
have 12.71%
lift 9.42%
enjoy 8.28%
give 5.75%
receive 3.73%
waive 2.97%
claim 2.91%
offer 2.59%
provide 2.47%
waive + n. >>共 222
right 19.53%
fee 8.51%
requirement 5.62%
sanction 4.66%
rule 3.92%
extradition 3.70%
immunity 3.48%
penalty 2.44%
provision 2.29%
restriction 2.22%
每页显示:    共 47