1.   Assists in maintaining proper bowel function and affords protection against diverticulosis, haemorrhoids and varicose veins.

2.   Former lorry driver Leonard Marder finds it difficult to walk because of an infected leg caused by varicose veins.

3.   Her legs began to hurt and she considered from time to time the possibility of varicose veins.

4.   Mrs Rundle had once had varicose veins but they had been cut out.

5.   Peristaltic tights will appeal to sufferers from poor circulation and varicose veins, and those whose hearts need a bit of extra help.

6.   Relaxed tissues and blood vessels - varicose veins, piles etc. with burning in varicose veins.

7.   They cut off circulation, made it harder to breathe during altitude changes, and wreaked havoc on varicose veins.

8.   This increases the blood flow and works wonders for varicose veins and chilblains.

9.   Varicose veins Hormone changes and weight gain give rise to varicose veins.

10.   You can brush where the skin is healthy, but avoid any areas where you have bad varicose veins.

a. + vein >>共 237
same 13.95%
varicose 9.94%
similar 9.64%
rich 6.53%
deep 4.60%
different 1.34%
saphenous 1.34%
serious 1.34%
blue 1.19%
hepatic 1.04%
varicose + n. >>共 3
vein 95.71%
seal 2.86%
oesophagus 1.43%
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