1.   Hilton and Boomtown previously made an unsuccessful bid for a license in Lawrenceburg, Ind.

2.   Mr Meaney made an unsuccessful bid for the presidency two years ago.

3.   They danced, and he made an unsuccessful bid on a weekend at Hilton Head.

4.   The move follows an unsuccessful bid by Mr Foster to get the board to reinstate the facility Teesdale farmers regard as essential.

5.   Among its problems, it spent most of its foreign reserves in an unsuccessful bid to prevent a currency devaluation.

6.   And in a City Council special election earlier that year, he supported Joan Milman in an unsuccessful bid against Fisher.

7.   A few months later, Delta made an unsuccessful bid for Continental Airlines.

8.   But their success was overshadowed when Clinton and his wife, Hillary, gave a different cast to his presidency with the unsuccessful bid for universal health care.

a. + bid >>共 657
takeover 10.08%
hostile 6.82%
presidential 5.28%
higher 2.28%
new 2.28%
failed 2.22%
winning 2.09%
olympic 1.85%
rival 1.83%
joint 1.79%
unsuccessful 1.72%
unsuccessful + n. >>共 311
attempt 20.80%
bid 7.18%
effort 5.95%
candidate 4.32%
campaign 3.43%
talk 2.28%
run 1.88%
bidder 1.71%
search 1.55%
appeal 1.47%
每页显示:    共 87