1.   Based on his recent NFL suspension and his extended unexcused absence from the squad, he failed to meet his obligations.

2.   Both players maintain nothing is behind their unexcused absences.

3.   Couch often had unexcused absences from work, and when the NCAA opened an inquiry into his employment record in October, he soon was fired, Lebermann said.

4.   He would bottom out repeatedly, his unexcused absences and failed drug tests drawing longer and longer suspensions.

5.   His violation is believed to be for unexcused absences.

6.   His unexcused absence had turned into an excused absence.

7.   In Connecticut, Gov. John Rowland recently proposed withholding welfare payments from parents whose children have had too many unexcused absences from school.

8.   It set specific limits for unexcused absences, required that parents be contacted after a certain number and mandated that truants be referred to state court.

9.   It would penalize for three months at a time families with children who have three or more unexcused absences from school during an academic quarter.

10.   School officials there Tuesday said the policy is strictly enforced, but were unable to provide numbers of students specifically held back because of unexcused absences.

a. + absence >>共 194
long 13.19%
complete 6.03%
notable 3.39%
prolonged 3.39%
unexcused 3.27%
total 3.14%
virtual 3.02%
continued 2.89%
due 2.64%
frequent 2.51%
unexcused + n. >>共 3
absence 92.86%
practice 3.57%
sojourn 3.57%
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