1.   An increasing number of seasoned travelers want to understand indigenous cultures, examine and enjoy natural settings and develop a historical perspective.

2.   At the same time, it gives members of diversity groups a chance to better understand the cultures of the companies.

3.   But to understand his tone, we must understand his culture.

4.   Coming from different nations and speaking different languages, they all struggle to understand cultures that are not their own.

5.   For white people, understanding other cultures is an extracurricular option.

6.   Furthermore, the patients often feel more comfortable being treated by people who speak their language and understand their culture.

7.   He became a boxer himself for a time to understand the culture.

8.   He tried to understand the culture.

9.   He understands both cultures through their land.

10.   How can you understand a culture whose essence is not letting outsiders in?

v. + culture >>共 499
change 4.85%
have 2.68%
preserve 2.36%
create 2.30%
promote 2.17%
embrace 1.72%
understand 1.72%
study 1.53%
reflect 1.47%
protect 1.34%
understand + n. >>共 1370
need 3.26%
importance 2.90%
problem 1.85%
concern 1.53%
situation 1.38%
difference 1.34%
risk 1.18%
concept 1.11%
role 1.11%
reason 1.11%
culture 0.43%
每页显示:    共 27