1.   Dissociation occurs when victims of rape or other traumas distance themselves from the event, possibly to protect themselves from unbearable emotional pain.

2.   The bullet tore nerves in his spine, leaving him in unbearable pain, with bodily functions intact but legs paralyzed.

3.   For an encore, Pippen played in the finals against Utah with unbearable pain from a back injury that would require off-season surgery.

4.   For three months straight, a nearly unbearable pain was his closest companion.

5.   Hagli, who has terminal cancer, already has made plans to hasten her own death should the malignancy in her lung spread and cause her unbearable pain.

6.   In the months after the attack, Emiko suffers from the unbearable pain of her injuries and the anguish of losing her family.

7.   It is not enough simply to observe that the terminally ill sometimes suffer unbearable pain.

8.   Patients considering euthanasia are worried less about unbearable pain than about the social and emotional disintegration that accompanies terminal illness, a new survey has found.

9.   Spinal fusion cages are generally used in lower back surgeries, often a last stage treatment for a degenerative disc -which left untreated causes unbearable pain.

10.   Spinal fusion cages are generally used in lower back surgeries, often a last stage treatment for a degenerative disc -- which left untreated causes unbearable pain.

a. + pain >>共 598
back 12.97%
abdominal 5.92%
severe 5.31%
great 5.05%
chronic 4.54%
joint 2.63%
sharp 2.37%
physical 1.96%
economic 1.93%
excruciating 1.81%
unbearable 0.60%
unbearable + n. >>共 88
pain 14.62%
suffering 5.26%
burden 4.68%
pressure 4.68%
tension 4.68%
strain 4.09%
stench 3.51%
condition 1.75%
heat 1.75%
noise 1.75%
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