1.   But it was not considered valid until a tribunal judge confirmed it on Monday.

2.   He is scheduled to appear on Tuesday before a panel of three tribunal judges in The Hague to give his plea of guilty or not guilty.

3.   He is scheduled to appear Tuesday before a panel of three tribunal judges in The Hague to enter a plea.

4.   Her operating style has been different from that of her predecessors, who usually revealed an indictment only after it was ready and confirmed by a tribunal judge.

5.   If a case is accepted, it goes on a docket and is heard by priests certified as tribunal judges.

6.   In sentencing, tribunal judges are not bound by deals between prosecutors and defendants.

7.   Ms. Arbour signed the indictment on Saturday, and it was confirmed as valid by a tribunal judge on Monday.

8.   The officials said they could not disclose details of the new indictment until it had been signed by a tribunal judge.

9.   A similar mid-trial defense motion was rejected by tribunal judges in the case against Bosnian Serb Dusan Tadic.

10.   A tribunal judge in The Hague confirmed the Bosnia indictment, which prosecutors submitted earlier this month after years of preparation, said prosecution spokeswoman Florence Hartmann.

n. + judge >>共 226
trial 21.70%
court 14.06%
appeal 8.69%
district 8.35%
law 7.42%
immigration 6.41%
bankruptcy 4.44%
circuit 2.95%
line 2.50%
tribunal 2.05%
tribunal + n. >>共 137
official 15.42%
spokesman 11.73%
prosecutor 7.60%
investigator 6.62%
judge 5.97%
custody 4.78%
rule 2.50%
indictment 2.50%
staff 2.17%
president 1.85%
每页显示:    共 55