1.   Erm in t the second most important criterion I would have thought is that it needs to be on a public transport corridor.

2.   I I give very great weight to the need for the new settlement to be on a public transport corridor.

3.   A bridge in southeastern Georgia that is part of a key transport corridor to Armenia was blown up early Monday, a spokesman for the Georgian Interior Ministry said.

4.   At that meeting, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe signed an agreement on developing the Beira transport corridor.

5.   Land-locked Armenia depends heavily on transport corridors through Georgia for fuel and goods.

6.   Putin preferred a transport corridor allowing Kaliningrad residents the ability to travel visa-free between the enclave and the rest of Russia.

7.   Russian President Vladimir Putin has backed a transport corridor allowing Kaliningrad residents to travel visa-free between the enclave and the rest of Russia.

8.   Russia also wants to see cooperation on a transport corridor across Europe, stretching from London to Moscow, Yeltsin said.

9.   The agreement is part of a larger cooperation project on a transport corridor between their capitals, Kiev and Ljubljana.

10.   The new version is referred to as the less-romantic sounding Eurasian transport corridor.

n. + corridor >>共 138
supply 14.69%
land 8.55%
hospital 7.89%
aid 4.17%
school 3.07%
rail 3.07%
transport 3.07%
hotel 2.85%
flight 2.63%
wildlife 1.75%
transport + n. >>共 342
plane 11.49%
minister 5.91%
system 5.49%
company 4.33%
worker 4.24%
ministry 3.57%
link 3.02%
official 2.99%
strike 2.99%
service 2.77%
corridor 0.43%
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