1.   But he and his children were avid traditional dancers, traveling to area powwows to perform.

2.   Hondurans rocked the Bronx with pop music while traditional Korean dancers flashed their footwork in Flushing.

3.   Traditional dancers fill the main square, to the delight of locals and tourists alike.

4.   Performing in the prison, traditional dancers from western Java island prayed and pressed knives and needles into their bodies without suffering serious injury.

5.   A group of traditional dancers with faux leopard-skin outfits danced to pounding drums, thrusting spears and cowhide shields into the air.

6.   Army bands blared and traditional dancers twirled at a departure ceremony in Amritsar.

7.   Athletes marched by sport rather than nation and were entertained by bands, traditional dancers and displays of West Javanese art.

8.   Banging drums and led by traditional dancers in long red and brown, carved masks, thousands of people poured into the streets to welcome Kabbah.

9.   Banners lined the border crossing and traditional dancers and marching bands played for the occasion.

10.   Before, traditional dancers performed, air force pilots performed stunts, and military troops marched in formation.

a. + dancer >>共 467
young 6.13%
topless 4.40%
former 3.93%
male 3.80%
exotic 3.20%
modern 2.93%
principal 2.60%
professional 2.40%
the 2.27%
black 2.00%
traditional 1.67%
traditional + n. >>共 1820
ally 1.79%
medicine 1.51%
method 1.39%
value 1.35%
way 1.26%
music 0.91%
dress 0.91%
role 0.90%
dance 0.67%
practice 0.64%
dancer 0.13%
每页显示:    共 25