1.   Even now, I am perusing the transcript of the recent Kareem Abdul-Jabbar v. Karim Abdul Jabar trademark suit in Florida.

2.   Gone were the trademark tailored suits, replaced by a gray sweat shirt, black jeans, and sneakers, the usually perfectly coiffed hair matted down.

3.   Hewlett-Packard Co. said it won court rulings in two trademark infringement suits against office supply companies.

4.   In contrast to the typically somber likenesses adorning the walls of Congress, the painting of Dellums shows him standing tall in his trademark tailored suit.

5.   Labrador Software Inc. of Danvers, Mass. filed a trademark infringement suit Thursday in US District Court.

6.   The coach, in his trademark designer suit and tie, spewed anecdotes and basketball lingo and gave the session the feel of a pregame press conference.

7.   The trademark suit, filed in Atlanta federal court, will now be dismissed.

8.   The U.S. Supreme Court, dealing a setback to trademark owners, today refused to consider whether companies can press trademark infringement suits against the federal government.

9.   Wearing his trademark double-breasted suit, Lukashenko said he would organize a new parliament, as aides and supporters in specially-reserved front-row seats nodded approvingly.

10.   Wearing his trademark dark suit, white shirt and tie, he looks like the consummate chief executive.

n. + suit >>共 564
class-action 10.37%
business 10.23%
libel 5.91%
discrimination 3.33%
defamation 2.81%
law 2.75%
malpractice 2.20%
shareholder 1.93%
track 1.79%
damage 1.76%
trademark 0.61%
trademark + n. >>共 508
infringement 4.69%
law 3.51%
holder 2.93%
hat 1.92%
smile 1.84%
suit 1.84%
dispute 1.76%
protection 1.51%
right 1.42%
owner 1.42%
每页显示:    共 22