1.   Argentina also expects a sharp increase in foreign investment in mining, an industry that will help boost exports and reduce a trade shortfall.

2.   A big trade shortfall also weighs on the dollar because it may fuel trade tension between the U.S. and Japan.

3.   A strong real has kept a lid on inflation, though it will lead to a record trade shortfall this year.

4.   If anything, U.S. trade shortfalls are incontrovertible proof of a vibrant economy.

5.   In its own way, the trade shortfall could also be helping to contain the threat of inflation, analysts said.

6.   It was the first monthly increase in the trade shortfall since June, though the level is almost half that seen in the first part of the year.

7.   News of the rising U.S.-China trade shortfall came on the eve of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders meeting in Vancouver, Canada.

8.   That would also boost exports and reduce a trade shortfall, she said.

9.   The swelling trade shortfall could put pressure on the peso, already trading at its weakest point for the year against the dollar.

10.   The trade shortfall is expected to widen because of last-minute oil imports by Petroleo Brasileiro SA, the state-controlled oil company.

n. + shortfall >>共 81
budget 24.69%
revenue 17.99%
earnings 15.27%
cash 4.18%
profit 2.93%
supply 2.93%
trade 2.72%
tax 2.51%
year 2.30%
energy 2.09%
trade + n. >>共 459
agreement 5.05%
deficit 4.96%
sanction 3.72%
talk 3.49%
group 3.39%
barrier 3.08%
official 2.48%
relation 2.39%
dispute 2.23%
surplus 2.13%
shortfall 0.05%
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