1.   The exam-ple that first comes to mind is Superfund, the response to toxic dumps.

2.   The mesquite forests that once lined a river brimming with unique native fish have given way to banks of toxic dumps.

3.   The scientists mention in particular the nuclear testing on neighbouring Novaya Zemlya, pollution in the White Sea and Barents Sea, and toxic waste dumps in the region.

4.   The programme makes no mention, however, of highly expensive tasks of cleaning up toxic waste dumps and military sites.

5.   And the air is cleaner, the water is cleaner, the food supply is safer, there are fewer toxic waste dumps.

6.   And then there would have been the problem of finding a toxic waste dump to accept the remains.

7.   Build it on a toxic waste dump?

8.   But he says he wants more police on the streets and wants toxic waste dumps cleaned up.

9.   By the time a long day was over, the Cowboys had turned Texas Stadium into a toxic waste dump for Thanksgiving.

10.   Especially those trying to dress up a toxic waste dump and pass it off as a slice of heaven.

a. + dump >>共 114
waste 25.84%
nuclear 14.50%
toxic 6.72%
illegal 4.20%
proposed 2.73%
local 2.10%
old 2.10%
municipal 2.10%
open 1.47%
nearby 1.47%
toxic + n. >>共 351
waste 14.38%
chemical 14.10%
substance 8.05%
gas 5.44%
fume 5.11%
material 3.60%
effect 2.25%
metal 1.76%
emission 1.63%
site 1.59%
dump 1.31%
每页显示:    共 32