1.   Nice touches include steam vents that cast lingering clouds over the courses and new audio cues to warn of danger.

2.   Additional touches include a database program, a sketch program and a notes program.

3.   Distinctive styling touches include a strip of tail lights that sweep across the rear cargo door.

4.   Distinctive touches include ecclesiastical doors used as headboards, canopied beds and pine flooring from a workhouse along the Thames.

5.   Elegant touches include oriental rugs and a grand piano in the lobby and a gracious dining room serving dishes such as salmon provencal and rack of lamb.

6.   Interior touches include assist grips on the backs of the front seats with hooks for purses, backpacks or grocery bags to keep them from rolling around.

7.   Little extra touches include robes and slippers, a lighted magnifying mirror and built-in hair dryer.

8.   Modern touches include the latest in tiered classroom design, video conferencing facilities and outlets at every library table for students to plug in their laptop computers.

9.   Other modern touches include blatant drug addiction and hints of lesbianism.

10.   Other nice touches include a fairly sophisticated search ability that will allow you to choose companies based on such factors as parking and delivery services.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
touch 0.05%
touch + v. >>共 144
be 48.00%
include 4.00%
make 3.64%
come 2.55%
abound 1.64%
seem 1.45%
return 1.27%
have 1.27%
desert 1.09%
pass 1.09%
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