1.   And many of his opponents in Congress represent tobacco states or are top recipients of tobacco industry largess.

2.   Another top recipient of Democratic dollars is Texas, specifically the district of Rep. Martin Frost, who heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

3.   As a senator from Michigan, Abraham was the top recipient of contributions from the auto industry, now preparing for a battle over fuel economy standards.

4.   According to the Center for Responsive Politics, four members of the Senate Banking Committee are among the top five recipients in Congress of accounting-industry contributions.

5.   But East Coasters are quick to point out that Massachusetts is the top recipient, per capita, of research grants from the National Institutes of Health.

6.   Even some top recipients of contributions over the last seven years have joined a chorus of industry critics.

7.   It printed a correction a day after including Geren on a list of top NRA recipients.

8.   Last year, McCain was the top recipient of political donations from Indians.

9.   Lawmakers from tobacco-growing districts were also top recipients, especially the two senators from North Carolina, Jesse Helms and Lauch Faircloth, both Republicans.

10.   One of those is House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt, who had been a top recipient of tobacco money.

a. + recipient >>共 263
largest 7.19%
first 6.26%
intended 5.98%
previous 5.42%
past 5.14%
the 2.80%
major 2.80%
third 2.61%
former 2.52%
top 2.52%
top + n. >>共 669
official 9.23%
priority 4.25%
executive 3.54%
aide 2.72%
player 2.66%
team 2.46%
leader 2.35%
seed 2.13%
spot 2.09%
government 1.76%
recipient 0.07%
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