1.   People who shop at thrift stores regularly know the ropes.

2.   And over the hill is a new store, Stuff, that calls itself a thrift store with attitude.

3.   At most thrift stores, clothes are older castoffs, and the proceeds are donated to specific charities.

4.   At last, he would be a real cowboy, even though he was dressed in weathered castoffs from the Salvation Army thrift store.

5.   At the Salvation Army thrift store near Dallas, there is no drop box for donors, manager William Love said.

6.   After many trips to the thrift store, I actually could see the inside of several closets whose depths I had previously written off as lost territory.

7.   Along with thrift stores, consignments shops are making a comeback as well.

8.   But abandoning the designer logos look, we made do for a while in comfy favorites from the local thrift store and Casual Friday became the norm.

9.   Chandler, a smoker, has placed ceramic and metal ashtrays he bought at thrift stores and swap meets around the garden.

10.   --Clean out your closets and take your old clothes to a shelter or a thrift store run by a nonprofit organization.

n. + store >>共 703
retail 9.23%
liquor 4.54%
specialty 4.49%
toy 3.28%
food 3.24%
supply 3.09%
computer 3.08%
furniture 2.61%
shoe 2.47%
goods 2.25%
thrift 1.09%
thrift + n. >>共 48
store 30.95%
industry 9.05%
bank 9.05%
charter 7.14%
fund 4.29%
stock 3.81%
regulator 3.33%
deposit 2.86%
executive 2.86%
failure 2.38%
每页显示:    共 65