1.   Instead, we imprisoned thousands of skilled people, and thousands more fled in terror.

2.   Thousands of refugees fled the tyrannical regime in search of political freedom.

3.   A few months ago, thousands fled to refugee camps across the border in Kenya.

4.   Although thousands of people fled the Serb offensive, many others were rounded up and held in these camps.

5.   But thousands of others fled to shelters.

6.   Dire conditions continued in East Timor amid reports that the capital, Dili, had been sacked and thousands had fled into hiding.

7.   During the resulting impasse, thousands of Haitians fled the country, many to the United States.

8.   During outbreaks, routine reporting systems fall apart, people die before reaching hospitals, and thousands flee.

9.   However, U.S. officials were encouraged that the outflow was far less than last week, when several thousand fled in a single day.

10.   Hundreds of INC men were executed, and thousands more fled to Turkey.

n. + flee >>共 570
thousand 5.36%
resident 4.94%
refugee 4.88%
people 4.46%
gunman 4.06%
man 3.85%
attacker 3.73%
investor 3.60%
family 3.46%
assailant 3.14%
thousand + v. >>共 652
be 14.79%
flee 4.51%
die 3.75%
take 3.37%
march 3.14%
gather 2.89%
attend 2.36%
line 2.06%
turn 1.99%
remain 1.85%
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