1.   It was an iron bed with two folded blankets on it and a thin straw mattress.

2.   As night fell my mother and sister found a thin mattress and went to sleep on the floor.

3.   He is sitting in bed, a blanket folded beneath his legs to relieve the discomfort of his thin mattress.

4.   He slept on a cot with a thin mattress rather than on a concrete floor, as is customary for new arrivals.

5.   Inside, on cots covered with thin mattresses, were prisoners, some wearing bright-orange jail uniforms, others shirtless.

6.   Prone on a thin mattress atop a slanting, plywood bed.

7.   Segregation cells are shells with only a cast-iron bunk and a thin mattress, a toilet and a sink, both of stainless steel.

8.   Some men are permitted two of these covers, so one can be rolled into a pillow or used as a thin mattress.

9.   The cells are tiny, a tiled slab and thin plastic mattress for a bed, and a stainless steel toilet and sink.

10.   The immigrants slept on thin mattresses.

a. + mattress >>共 138
thin 7.77%
old 6.42%
straw 3.72%
soft 2.70%
soiled 2.70%
new 2.36%
firm 2.36%
dirty 2.03%
good 1.69%
filthy 1.69%
thin + n. >>共 844
layer 7.38%
air 5.97%
slice 5.16%
line 4.08%
coat 3.10%
strip 3.02%
ice 2.02%
stream 1.86%
volume 1.76%
film 1.39%
mattress 0.58%
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