1.   She helped a succession of youngsters to take part-time degrees by getting them jobs as kitchen porters or trainee cooks.

2.   And he pointed out a man delivering chickens and salamis to a grocery store, showing them how many jobs a single small business could create.

3.   Barrera said recruiters walk into the villages promising them jobs as maids, but instead put them to work serving beer in bars.

4.   But when the British gained power in the next century, Muslims and Hindus united against a system that denied them jobs and high government positions.

5.   Each is staffed by journalists whose unwillingness to regurgitate official pap lost them jobs at governmental news agencies.

6.   He can insist that Congress cut aid to states that reduce spending on the poor or knock enrollees off the welfare rolls rather than finding them jobs.

7.   It is one of the first states to confront a welfare population dominated by the most troubled cases and is making unusual efforts to find them jobs.

8.   The Palm Beach County School District is already trying to entice future teachers with several incentives, including guaranteeing them jobs before graduation.

9.   The Salvation Army found an insidious way to at least deny them jobs.

10.   They even offered two of them jobs.

a. + job >>共 748
new 9.90%
good 7.26%
better 4.28%
top 2.82%
starting 2.80%
first 2.17%
great 2.14%
full-time 2.00%
coaching 1.76%
part-time 1.59%
them 0.13%
them + n. >>共 859
elderly 1.89%
job 1.53%
time 1.33%
good 1.28%
day 1.17%
more 1.12%
child 1.12%
young 1.07%
most 1.02%
woman 0.92%
每页显示:    共 30