1.   Instead, Messier eased his stride and the two foes barely bumped.

2.   One of the few foes was M.L. Traylor Jr., a distant relative of Byrd who lives on the road where he died.

3.   The back-to-back speeches by Gore and Bradley marked the first time the two foes have made a joint appearance before the same crowd.

4.   The two foes embraced and shook hands, as Cardenas stepped into what many consider the second most powerful job in Mexico.

5.   The two foes are simply too close.

6.   There is always the chance, of course, that the two foes will compromise early on a single deficit-cutting budget.

7.   But cooperation between the two foes improved in recent weeks.

8.   But most observers expect this will take years to achieve given the depth of mistrust between the two foes.

9.   But in the meantime it is hoped that the peace talks will build up confidence between the two foes and reduce the risk of a military flare up.

10.   Lebanese prisoners released by Israel crossed to freedom in southern Lebanon Friday, completing a swap between the two foes.

a. + foe >>共 381
former 13.91%
political 12.12%
old 4.62%
longtime 4.04%
bitter 3.00%
formidable 2.42%
common 1.96%
republican 1.85%
alike 1.33%
long-time 1.27%
the 0.98%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
foe 0.02%
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