1.   And a telephone poll among Americans was reported prominently in the Israeli press a few days ago.

2.   Any debate about TV spots and radio ads and the nature of telephone polls is ultimately a debate about tactics rather than issues and agendas.

3.   A dozen post-debate telephone polls offered contradictory results, with some attributing victory to Madrazo and others to Labastida.

4.   Defense attorneys are particularly interested in moving the case to the central district, where a telephone poll indicated that potential jurors are more sympathetic to the brothers.

5.   Harris Black International in Rochester, N.Y., the publisher of the Harris telephone polls, says that online polling, if done correctly, can be statistically valid.

6.   He recalls days and nights spent putting up fliers on telephone polls throughout the city to advertise upcoming gigs.

7.   I just grabbed onto a telephone poll and held onto it.

8.   Image is so important to Fox that his government conducts its own weekly telephone polls.

9.   In some cases, the subtle tilt of a telephone poll or tall gas station sign was the only evidence.

10.   In telephone polls, numbers are dialed at random.

n. + poll >>共 167
popularity 6.64%
telephone 6.18%
preseason 6.18%
newspaper 5.61%
medium 5.15%
week 3.78%
voter 3.78%
public-opinion 3.66%
coach 3.55%
year 3.55%
telephone + n. >>共 302
interview 12.61%
company 12.25%
line 9.06%
service 8.26%
number 7.99%
conversation 7.63%
message 4.37%
system 2.16%
network 1.66%
link 1.27%
poll 0.42%
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