1.   Among the concepts they disagree on are unfunded mandates and the capital gains tax cut.

2.   And, of course, along with those sometimes savage hits at Americans who barely get by, there are tax cuts that would largely benefit the best-off Americans.

3.   Bush says the politics are right for more tax cuts now, and that the economic situation requires them.

4.   But Democrats are putting pressure on Clinton not to give in on such issues as education funding and his opposition to tax cuts from the surplus.

5.   Clarke played down calls for tax reductions and sought to dispel the view that the Conservative Party needs tax cuts to revive its flagging fortunes.

6.   For investors, there are soaring asset prices and, maybe, capital gains tax cuts.

7.   Former Sen. Sam Nunn became co-chairman of the anti-budget deficit Concord Coalition Thursday, then told an approving audience tax cuts must await deficit reduction.

8.   Gramm said the wealthy need tax cuts in order to create new jobs.

9.   Greenspan has said he prefers debt reduction to tax cuts, which he said could overheat the economy and spark inflation.

10.   He added that those measures can be called tax prevention or tax relief, but not tax cuts.

v. + cut >>共 603
make 16.34%
miss 8.33%
suffer 3.66%
include 2.90%
announce 2.90%
take 2.58%
expect 2.35%
have 2.04%
spend 1.50%
oppose 1.36%
tax 0.58%
tax + n. >>共 345
deductible 5.77%
income 4.93%
cut 3.98%
profit 2.52%
sale 2.20%
revenue 2.10%
money 1.68%
company 1.47%
earnings 1.47%
benefit 1.36%
每页显示:    共 38