1.   A champion target shooter who is president of the American Pistolsmiths Guild, Weigand says he specializes in mounting scopes onto pistols and customizing target weapons.

2.   Dodd said target shooters stop along the road to fire at signs or at cactus, ignoring what could be beyond their target.

3.   In Northern California four years later, a carload of target shooters rolled to a stop on a desolate forest road.

4.   No one is suggesting seriously a ban on guns used by hunters or target shooters.

5.   Nowadays being a target shooter is worse than being a heroin addict, or even a politician.

6.   Opponents said her rise is part of a twist toward extremism in an organization that was once seen more as a national society for hunters and target shooters.

7.   Possession of handguns in Canada is already confined mainly to bona fide collectors or target shooters who belong to police-approved shooting ranges.

8.   Schmidt makes ammunition for the military, law enforcement agencies, hunters and target shooters.

9.   They are very popular with hunters because powerful bows are easier to use, and with target shooters because of their precision.

10.   When the Brazos River was low, the turnaround attracted fishermen, all-terrain vehicle enthusiasts, swimmers, target shooters and picnickers.

n. + shooter >>共 65
perimeter 9.76%
first-person 9.76%
three-point 8.29%
target 6.34%
free-throw 5.37%
spot-up 3.90%
school 3.90%
pistol 3.90%
drive-by 3.41%
trouble 2.93%
target + n. >>共 383
audience 10.34%
practice 8.30%
company 6.43%
area 4.84%
market 4.23%
rate 4.18%
list 4.01%
range 3.02%
group 2.97%
level 2.09%
shooter 0.71%
每页显示:    共 13