1.   Getty Center reveals itself in tantalizing glimpses.

2.   But what does exist is a tantalizing glimpse of a man who, if transported into the future, probably would have been a sensation on the speaking circuit.

3.   By no means definitive, the disc nonetheless offers a tantalizing glimpse of another fascinating musical melange.

4.   Census Bureau data appears to give manufacturers of consumer products just such a tantalizing glimpse into who we are.

5.   His windows in the sand provided only tantalizing glimpses.

6.   Instead, they allow the twists and turns of the road to reveal their charms in tantalizing glimpses.

7.   It was such a tantalizing glimpse into the future that GM decided to take it on the road.

8.   Neighbors and co-workers offer tantalizing glimpses of Nguyen as she was, friendly, neighborly and yet still alone.

9.   Only twice does the film give a tantalizing glimpse at the personality behind the voice.

10.   Still, this game offered a tantalizing glimpse of how good the Suns could be with everybody healthy and Cotton at the controls.

a. + glimpse >>共 200
first 21.31%
rare 11.60%
brief 7.44%
fleeting 2.77%
occasional 2.65%
quick 2.27%
last 2.14%
tantalizing 1.89%
fascinating 1.77%
early 1.39%
tantalizing + n. >>共 188
hint 6.42%
clue 5.61%
possibility 4.28%
glimpse 4.01%
question 3.74%
prospect 2.67%
evidence 2.14%
tidbit 1.87%
opportunity 1.60%
mystery 1.34%
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