1.   Supporters called it an effort to help the ill obtain Marijuana to relieve nausea, chronic pain and other maladies.

2.   Although administration supporters call the move bold, it is drawing criticism in the diplomatic community.

3.   At every stop, supporters call on Buchanan to run as an independent.

4.   Capote supporters call such stories apocryphal.

5.   Connerly is campaign chairman of the proposed November ballot measure, which supporters call the California Civil Rights Initiative.

6.   Faced with that dismal track record, the producers hired Odle to perform feng shui, an ancient Chinese art that detractors call superstition but supporters call science.

7.   He has pledged to enforce the laws of the land, regardless of his personal convictions, and his supporters call him a man of honor and high intelligence.

8.   His many supporters call him a peacemaker, a bridge-builder, a mentor.

9.   His supporters would call it creative, his opponents would call it a violation of the spirit of campaign finance laws.

10.   His supporters routinely call the mayor.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
supporter 0.28%
supporter + v. >>共 778
say 25.41%
be 6.62%
argue 2.78%
hope 1.43%
have 1.20%
call 0.99%
include 0.96%
contend 0.90%
believe 0.90%
want 0.87%
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