1.   Although public support is becoming a smaller share of total revenues at many public universities, no one expects private money to substitute completely for public money anytime soon.

2.   But when James threatens to use troops to defend Moore and his Ten Commandments plaque, Flynt said, support for values becomes old-fashioned demagogy.

3.   Child support has become a major issue, and applicants in New York have been turned down for being more than three months behind in their payments.

4.   Child support has become an integral part of the welfare debate here and in other state capitals because so many single parents wind up on the public dole.

5.   Nonetheless, some said that defeating Giuliani would be possible only if support for Ms. Messinger became more widespread.

6.   Product support also has become an important revenue source itself.

7.   That support has become increasingly tenuous in recent days.

8.   The attacks on the NEA have continued to this day, and government support has become increasingly difficult to obtain.

9.   When Philip Morris support of that ad became public, Philip Morris was embarrassed into retreating from the strategy.

10.   With Irish peace negotiations now underway, that support has become less reliable.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
support 0.04%
support + v. >>共 380
be 45.53%
come 6.04%
grow 2.24%
help 2.05%
remain 1.29%
seem 1.25%
appear 1.14%
erode 1.03%
have 0.91%
go 0.76%
become 0.57%
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