1.   At the very least, some fire officials say they are reexamining their tactics to reflect the newfound knowledge that suicide hijackers can turn skyscraper steel to spaghetti.

2.   Hani Hanjour, the suicide hijacker who crashed a jetliner into the Pentagon, also trained on the simulator.

3.   If anything, the suicide bomber or suicide hijacker is maniacally fearless, the normal human survival instinct overwhelmed by hatred or brainwashed fervor.

4.   Nineteen suicide hijackers were on board American and United flights that went down.

5.   On another front, Ashcroft dodged questions about a reported meeting between one of the suspected suicide hijackers, and an Iraqi intelligence official.

6.   Raissi was accused of training all four suicide hijackers, yet Hanjour is the only verified terrorist who took flight lessons in Arizona.

7.   Police have evidence that suspected suicide hijacker Mohamed Atta traveled at least twice to the Czech Republic last year, an official said Monday.

8.   A day earlier, investigators searching the luggage of suspected hijacker Mohamed Atta had found what appeared to be instructions for the suicide hijackers.

9.   A Jordanian student with alleged ties to two suicide hijackers was deceptive during a polygraph examination by investigators and was subsequently arrested, an FBI agent testified Saturday.

10.   A forged certificate from a Florida flight school where the FBI at the time thought one of suicide hijackers had trained was found in his luggage, authorities said.

n. + hijacker >>共 24
suicide 35.71%
car 10.71%
airplane 8.33%
airline 7.14%
mainland 7.14%
plane 3.57%
boat 2.38%
bus 2.38%
jet 2.38%
report 2.38%
suicide + n. >>共 246
bomber 29.36%
bombing 24.15%
attack 17.69%
note 4.78%
attempt 4.73%
mission 1.95%
rate 1.60%
bomb 0.97%
attacker 0.89%
hijacking 0.69%
hijacker 0.46%
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