1.   The theory challenges the assumption of orthodox welfare economics that the existence of Market failure is sufficient reason for governmental intervention.

2.   Unauthorized absence is sufficient reason for dismissal.

3.   A sufficient reason for this is that M may be an adjective or a verb, neither of which would normally be considered as having a referent.

4.   Though true, this has never struck Democrats as sufficient reason for another vulnerable land-based missile with a hair trigger which is how they see the MX.

5.   Of course no experience is self-authenticating, but it is reasonable to accept claims made on the basis of experience unless sufficient reason is produced for not doing so.

6.   Instead, it perhaps sees its bulging coffers as sufficient reason to risk the wrath of the law, as it must have done at Fangdale Beck.

7.   Baer ruled that the police did not have sufficient reason for stopping Ms. Bayless, and thus her Fourth Amendment rights had been violated.

8.   Baer initially threw out the evidence because he said the police did not have sufficient reason to stop and search the car.

9.   But by themselves, he said, they were not sufficient reason to bar him from the charity board.

10.   But decisions made for reasons sufficient in the moment can have unhappy longer consequences.

a. + reason >>共 446
good 11.29%
main 6.84%
same 4.57%
political 3.46%
different 3.05%
only 3.02%
personal 2.99%
major 2.58%
real 2.20%
obvious 1.81%
sufficient 0.28%
sufficient + n. >>共 738
evidence 11.02%
number 3.24%
fund 2.94%
time 2.94%
support 2.34%
supply 2.07%
information 2.07%
resource 1.64%
reason 1.57%
quantity 1.40%
每页显示:    共 47