1.   It was conditional on Budapest agreeing a structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund and implementing Market-based economic reforms.

2.   Mobutu, of course, obliged, squeezing debt repayments from an impoverished people in his periodic bouts of structural adjustment.

3.   A World Bank team arrived in Harare in October to discuss a structural adjustment programme.

4.   The following month the USA blocked an International Monetary Fund move to formulate a structural adjustment programme for Vietnam.

5.   There are a variety of reasons for a belief that structural adjustments to the EC budget are not over.

6.   Gearing national and Community structural adjustment funds and policies towards improving the competitiveness of firms in the less developed regions of the EC.

7.   Ensuring the provision of adequate training of the labour force will be essential for the structural adjustment necessary for the successful completion of the SEM.

8.   The Bank is also considering introducing environmental safeguards into its controversial structural adjustment programmes.

9.   And for those in opposition in countries whose governments are mismanaging the economy, and who wish to pursue reform, the structural adjustment program is hard to sell.

10.   And this means that our countries have got to implement structural adjustment at a pace which is more rapid than ever.

a. + adjustment >>共 386
structural 5.81%
minor 5.74%
necessary 4.07%
seasonal 3.63%
major 2.98%
technical 2.54%
biggest 2.32%
small 2.18%
big 2.03%
slight 1.89%
structural + n. >>共 332
reform 17.47%
damage 13.24%
change 9.76%
problem 8.41%
engineer 4.79%
adjustment 3.72%
integrity 1.30%
weakness 1.16%
defect 1.12%
flaw 0.93%
每页显示:    共 80