1.   Fernandez was approved as director over the strenuous objections of the faculty.

2.   Although neither Nacchio nor BellSouth would discuss it, it seems unlikely that Qwest would have pursued the double-bid over strenuous objections from BellSouth.

3.   A sympathetic modern relative takes them in, despite the strenuous objections of her high-strung dentist husband.

4.   But that proposal, which relies heavily on increased costs to seniors and cutbacks to hospitals, drew strenuous objections from Democrats on the House Commerce Committee.

5.   Clinton signed the bill over strenuous objections from liberal Democrats who said the nation had a moral obligation to the poor.

6.   Judge Lance Ito played the tapes, parts of which have been discussed but never heard before publicly, despite strenuous objections by the prosecution.

7.   On Thursday, over strenuous objections by many Democrats, the House passed a bill that would give the president broader authority to negotiate international trade deals.

8.   Over strenuous objections from prosecutors, a little more information about the undercover police officer who was inducted into the militia in December came out in court as well.

9.   Over the strenuous objections of the district attorney, he refused to testify, citing the sanctity of confession.

10.   President Bush authorized sweeping new protections for the privacy of medical records, despite strenuous objections from much of the health care industry.

a. + objection >>共 315
strong 8.71%
russian 3.45%
israeli 2.33%
moral 2.25%
serious 2.10%
main 1.95%
strenuous 1.95%
major 1.73%
similar 1.65%
religious 1.58%
strenuous + n. >>共 146
effort 12.59%
exercise 10.37%
activity 9.38%
objection 6.42%
workout 4.44%
opposition 2.72%
job 2.22%
hike 2.22%
work 1.73%
climb 1.23%
每页显示:    共 26