1.   Remove mushrooms and carefully strain soaking liquid to remove any grit or sand.

2.   Strain cooking liquid through a fine sieve into a pot.

3.   Strain the liquid into a bowl and place in a refrigerator until it begins to thicken.

4.   Strain the liquid, then add orange, lemon and apple slices.

5.   For a lighter, clearer broth, strain the liquid through cheesecloth.

6.   If the stew is too liquidy, strain the liquid and simmer it until thickened.

7.   Strain braising liquid and set it aside.

8.   Strain liquid into a bowl, reserving fruit in a mixing bowl.

9.   Strain liquid into another bowl, and stir in pomegranate juice.

10.   Strain liquid into another pan.

v. + liquid >>共 209
pour 8.01%
add 6.58%
reserve 6.34%
reduce 5.86%
strain 4.43%
bring 3.71%
absorb 2.99%
use 2.87%
drain 2.27%
drink 2.27%
strain + n. >>共 269
relation 27.52%
tie 5.69%
muscle 3.91%
relationship 3.85%
hamstring 3.24%
liquid 2.26%
ligament 2.26%
groin 2.20%
resource 2.20%
credulity 1.90%
每页显示:    共 37