1.   Before police stormed the compound, a defiant Milosevic had refused to accept an arrest warrant that police tried to hand to him.

2.   But he said he ordered agents on the scene to revise the plan and attempt to negotiate before storming the compound.

3.   In a particularly disturbing episode, U.S. commandos wrongly stormed two compounds near Kandahar last month under the impression they held al-Qaida or Taliban fighters.

4.   Raheb, the pastor, said that when the church compound was stormed last Thursday, he was held for two hours and forced to endure racist abuse.

5.   The savior Marines stormed the compound without bloodshed, rescued their comrades and escaped with minor casualties.

6.   Their presence would greatly complicate any possible Israeli attempt to storm the compound.

7.   Police have stepped up maneuvers outside the compound in the past week, leading rebels to complain they are trying to provoke a confrontation to justify storming the compound.

8.   Police stormed the compound, firing tear gas, rubber bullets and, Palestinians say, live rounds.

9.   He said Peru would not storm the compound unless the hostages were harmed.

10.   In deadly clashes a week earlier, Israeli riot police had stormed the compound to break up a stone-throwing riot.

v. + compound >>共 297
enter 14.03%
leave 9.50%
surround 3.61%
use 3.53%
contain 2.69%
storm 2.35%
visit 1.76%
test 1.60%
guard 1.51%
produce 1.51%
storm + n. >>共 247
house 7.52%
building 7.22%
plane 6.48%
hospital 4.35%
field 2.73%
prison 2.65%
bus 2.58%
village 2.28%
office 2.21%
church 2.14%
compound 2.06%
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