1.   Their opposition only stiffened my resolve.

2.   Doubtless that was all part of his master plan, she thought, deliberately stiffening her resolve against an insidious desire to unbend a little.

3.   A feeling that stiffened her resolve.

4.   And some opponents of the theory of evolution said the Kansas defeat would only stiffen their resolve.

5.   Arab leaders exaggerated the atrocities on the radio to help stiffen the resolve of their fighters.

6.   At the province level, the center works with local groups to stiffen the resolve of weak magistrates and judges in the face of police terror.

7.   Blair spent the day after the poll was released calling upon Britons to stiffen their resolve.

8.   But as Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., conceded, those polls actually encouraged the president and stiffened his resolve.

9.   But it also stiffened the resolve of Russian leaders, who have intensified attacks on Islamic strongholds in Dagestan in an effort to stamp out the rebellion.

10.   But in recent weeks, Rabin had stiffened his resolve to see the process through to a successful conclusion.

v. + resolve >>共 121
strengthen 13.19%
stiffen 8.66%
show 7.87%
test 7.28%
weaken 5.91%
demonstrate 3.35%
harden 3.35%
doubt 2.56%
have 2.36%
lose 2.17%
stiffen + n. >>共 89
penalty 24.27%
resolve 14.24%
resistance 4.53%
sanction 3.88%
competition 3.56%
punishment 3.56%
rule 2.59%
sentence 2.27%
spine 2.27%
law 1.94%
每页显示:    共 44