1.   Our captain gave us a stern lecture on safety.

2.   And now comes the hand-wringing and the stern lectures about morality and recidivism, and the reproving shakes of the head.

3.   After the game a contrite-sounding Watson said any stern lecture Lavin delivered would have merely been echoing his inner voice.

4.   Harrington delivered a stern lecture before issuing the sentence.

5.   He believed in giving a teen-ager with a heavy foot a stern lecture, not a ticket.

6.   He has issued stern lectures to North Korea about nuclear weapons.

7.   He received a stern lecture.

8.   He was not arrested for trespassing but was given a stern lecture, officials said.

9.   Hernandez appeared to choke back tears Wednesday, his head bent forward, as Judge Roberto Pineiro meted out the sentence with a stern lecture.

10.   High school students caught cheating are usually given a stern lecture or, at worst, a failing grade.

a. + lecture >>共 284
public 7.17%
stern 5.63%
large 2.56%
short 2.05%
first 1.88%
regular 1.54%
annual 1.54%
free 1.37%
recent 1.19%
lucrative 1.19%
stern + n. >>共 320
warning 19.14%
action 7.71%
measure 3.61%
message 3.42%
lecture 3.22%
punishment 2.83%
test 2.73%
word 1.86%
look 1.76%
face 1.27%
每页显示:    共 33