1.   These new steps will also ensure that Verio customer information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.

2.   This step should ensure that the difficulty level and the volume of material in any one session are right for the students.

3.   They took steps to ensure the safety of the passengers.

4.   Good managers therefore take steps to ensure that their projects avoid claims which will be disputed.

5.   The move follows criticism from nuclear scientists that the Russian government had liquidated the old structure without taking steps to ensure the safe continuation of nuclear operations.

6.   They must take reasonable steps to ensure that this information is available to those who might benefit.

7.   There is a natural reluctance to make criminals of suppliers who have taken reasonable steps to ensure that their goods accord with modern standards.

8.   Now the MP whose constituency covers Castlemorton is demanding that the Government take steps to ensure that an invasion of this kind never happens again.

9.   CandP has fully investigated the incidents and is taking steps to ensure they do not happen again.

n. + ensure >>共 669
step 7.24%
government 5.18%
system 1.71%
authority 1.47%
action 1.35%
agreement 1.24%
law 1.18%
victory 1.12%
bill 1.06%
measure 1.00%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
每页显示:    共 122