1.   A coating of butter or water soluble barrier film prevents oxidisation and makes subsequent soil removal easier.

2.   Where a complication such as perforation was suspected, urgent chest x ray and oesophagogram using a water soluble contrast medium were done.

3.   An oesophagogram done using a water soluble contrast showed a minor leak from the oesophagus.

4.   The water soluble component, the I P three, the product of this, diffuses to the endoplasmic reticulum where it gates open a calcium channel.

5.   Apply a diluted water soluble fertilizer.

6.   A. It sounds as if it is water soluble, although the only black or nearly black adhesive I know of is tar emulsion, which is super black.

7.   Five inventors have designed a cereal made of a water soluble inner core surrounded by a non-water-soluble outer layer.

8.   Teas, or infusions, are best used for herbs whose ingredients are water soluble or where precise dosage is relatively unimportant.

9.   The Cambridge firm uses a water soluble polymer-based adjuvant, called Adjumer, that it licensed from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Pennsylvania State University.

10.   The paint is water soluble, so no permanent damage was done, except to my blood pressure.

a. + water >>共 700
cold 5.78%
coastal 4.53%
bottled 3.11%
running 2.91%
international 2.74%
boiling 2.63%
warm 2.42%
fresh 2.14%
clean 2.13%
atlantic 1.91%
soluble 0.06%
soluble + n. >>共 39
fiber 22.94%
water 11.93%
fertilizer 8.26%
fibre 7.34%
form 6.42%
calcium 5.50%
concentration 3.67%
coffee 1.83%
phosphate 1.83%
product 1.83%
每页显示:    共 13