1.   All projects involve a significant element of software development.

2.   It is conventional wisdom that software development lags several years behind the hardware.

3.   Lotus also expects to publish the application programming interface for Notes to encourage software development.

4.   Others manage computer operations, software development, or data bases.

5.   ParaSet defines a new product class based on parametric software development, which manages the complexity of design and maintenance.

6.   Products Usually the product package is created for use when software development is completed and the software is ready for issue.

7.   Software development soon became a thriving industry in the area.

8.   Some cost estimators now specialize in only estimating computer software development and related costs.

9.   The wide range of options includes software development, hardware systems, and business and management computing.

10.   The Computer Show is a good opportunity to catch up with the latest software developments.

n. + development >>共 698
product 6.93%
business 6.24%
property 4.63%
software 3.53%
player 2.62%
infrastructure 2.62%
drug 2.30%
character 2.13%
community 2.06%
child 1.76%
software + n. >>共 652
company 15.35%
program 6.49%
maker 5.74%
developer 5.27%
industry 3.75%
giant 3.02%
product 2.75%
package 2.71%
business 2.06%
firm 1.97%
development 1.84%
每页显示:    共 143