1.   At least, it can be used with a sprinker hose or soaker hose.

2.   A more direct route is the soaker hose, lined with holes for emitting water slowly.

3.   A soaker hose or sprinkler hose placed on the ground under the branches does the best job.

4.   A soaker hose two hours a day will provide enough water and keep the foliage dry and free of powdery mildew.

5.   For example, Mediterranean natives like lavender and thyme are content in sunny beds that seldom or never see a sprinkler or soaker hose.

6.   He bought the pipe at a plumbing supply store, then connected soaker hoses to snake through the woodland garden and his long mixed border.

7.   Myers recommends soaker hoses or hand watering over irrigation systems so that the ground, not the foliage, benefits most.

8.   Plants that do crave drink are supplied with buried soaker hoses.

9.   Place a timer on sprinklers and soaker hoses so that all a friend or neighbor has to do is stop by and turn on the water.

10.   Spread out four soaker hoses to stretch.

n. + hose >>共 60
fire 33.83%
water 21.86%
rubber 6.89%
soaker 5.39%
air 3.89%
pressure 2.99%
vent 2.40%
radiator 1.50%
fishnet 1.20%
oxygen 1.20%
soaker + n. >>共 3
hose 90.00%
great 5.00%
system 5.00%
每页显示:    共 18