1.   Another slight drop is widely forecast for new-home sales and existing-home sales in March despite the coming of spring and relatively low mortgage rates.

2.   Attendance is up throughout the Cactus League this season, after a slight drop in attendance last year blamed on El Nio-related bad weather in early March.

3.   A slight drop in export shipments of corn in the past two weeks also might have weighed on prices, grain sources said.

4.   But that slight drop would have been a significant fall if the short position in shares of Worldcom, a telecommunications company, had not increased substantially.

5.   Despite the big revenue and profit gains reported Thursday, Silicon Graphics shares showed a slight drop.

6.   Even a slight drop in revenue can swing a business into the red.

7.   Even a slight drop in foreign aid would be a serious setback for Algeria.

8.   Grant also dismisses suggestions that his candidacy is a publicity stunt designed to reverse a slight drop in his ratings in recent years.

9.   He foresees a slight drop in weekday circulation, but growth on Sundays.

10.   Nationally, there has been a slight drop in black-white segregation, measured by indexes sociologists use.

a. + drop >>共 469
sharp 16.62%
steep 4.42%
big 4.10%
recent 3.87%
biggest 3.03%
dramatic 2.45%
unexpected 2.31%
slight 2.16%
overnight 2.02%
significant 2.02%
slight + n. >>共 879
chance 9.00%
injury 4.74%
increase 4.28%
edge 3.91%
lead 2.50%
rise 2.06%
improvement 1.95%
gain 1.93%
decline 1.91%
damage 1.87%
drop 1.44%
每页显示:    共 75