1.   His prime minister, Gulbedein Hektmatyar, the most doctrinaire of the mujahedeen leaders and the biggest recipient of American aid, shelled the capital into swaths of rubble.

2.   The capital was intermittently shelled.

3.   Army aircraft attacked Hutu rebel positions in the hills outside Bujumbura on Wednesday, a day after rebels shelled the capital.

4.   On Saturday, the rebels shelled the capital with grenade-launchers, mortars and other large-caliber weapons, according to ITAR-Tass.

5.   On Saturday, the rebels shelled the capital with grenade-launchers, mortars and other large-caliber weapons.

6.   Serbs shelled the capital, killing at least eight people and threatening the main tunnel into Sarajevo.

7.   The Serbs also could shell the capital, Zagreb, as they did in May.

8.   Warplanes attacked near the Bosnian Serb headquarters Pale on Thursday, witnesses said, apparently carrying out a U.N. threat to punish the Serbs for shelling the capital Sarajevo.

9.   Warplanes attacked near the Bosnian Serb headquarters of Pale today, apparently carrying out a U.N. threat to punish the Serbs for shelling the capital of Sarajevo.

10.   When Russian forces started bombing and shelling the capital of the breakaway republic of Chechnya, many Chechens headed for their ancestral villages to escape the fighting.

v. + capital >>共 525
raise 13.90%
attract 4.28%
include 3.85%
leave 3.07%
have 2.01%
flee 1.96%
establish 1.94%
provide 1.79%
reach 1.74%
visit 1.71%
shell 0.53%
shell + n. >>共 170
village 16.12%
position 11.15%
area 10.22%
town 8.90%
city 3.47%
civilian 2.44%
target 2.25%
camp 2.06%
capital 1.97%
pea 1.41%
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