1.   Marsh notes that scrapie exists among sheep in America, and that sheep offal is sometimes fed to cows here.

2.   One of those practices is feeding sheep offal to cattle.

3.   Six years later the U.S. FDA proposed a ban on using sheep offal as cattle feed, but vehement protests from the rendering and livestock industries blocked it.

4.   The cattle were believed to have contracted the disease from eating sheep offal, which are waste parts like entrails.

5.   The Food and Drug Administration proposed a ban on using goat and sheep offal in animal feed nearly two years ago, but nothing came of it.

6.   It has been attributed to the practice of mixing cattle feed with sheep offal contaminated with the disease scrapie.

7.   Scientists say sheep offal caused the outbreak of the disease formally known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

8.   Scientists believe that the disease spread to cattle whose feed included sheep offal.

9.   Scientists say the practice of supplementing cattle feed with sheep offal contaminated with the brain-wasting disease called scrapie infected British cattle.

10.   The cattle were believed to have eaten contaminated sheep offal.

n. + offal >>共 5
sheep 63.16%
pig 15.79%
fish 10.53%
beef 5.26%
call 5.26%
sheep + n. >>共 129
farmer 11.44%
farm 5.57%
rancher 4.69%
ranch 4.11%
offal 3.52%
farming 3.23%
industry 2.64%
camp 2.35%
cheese 2.05%
shearer 1.76%
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