1.   In most sexual offences, the attacker is known to the victim.

2.   However, the Court cautioned that its ruling did not mean that a state may never punish publication of the name of a victim of a sexual offence.

3.   In June, at Northampton Crown Court, Marron admitted false imprisonment, indecent assault and another serious sexual offence.

4.   Anthony Gannon, of Harewood Road, Harrogate, denies indecent assault and a serious sexual offence on another man.

5.   The nineteen seventy six sexual offences act conferred anonymity on both victim and defendant in rape cases.

6.   But he has been found guilty of committing serious sexual offences, and given a conditional discharge.

7.   Current legislation on sexual offences provides inadequate protection for victims of sexual abuse.

8.   From time to time, one reads in the Press of some current New England case, where an anachronistic law is invoked to punish a sexual offence.

9.   He also faces four charges of indecent assault involving a young girl, and four other charges alleging serious sexual offences involving a girl.

10.   A Malaysian high court judge has called for a law allowing for the castration of those convicted of sexual offences against minors, a report said Tuesday.

a. + offence >>共 147
criminal 15.20%
serious 9.07%
second 6.77%
alleged 6.64%
bookable 6.26%
similar 4.21%
same 4.21%
first 3.32%
sexual 3.19%
minor 3.19%
sexual + n. >>共 445
abuse 14.46%
misconduct 5.69%
relationship 5.18%
situation 4.33%
activity 2.96%
encounter 2.35%
advance 1.73%
behavior 1.72%
contact 1.57%
exploitation 1.57%
offence 0.25%
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