1.   While kidnappings are usually intended to raise money through large ransoms, this time the separatists are demanding that the government regroup all Basque prisoners in Basque jails.

2.   Georgia has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition it remains part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

3.   Georgia has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition that it remains part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

4.   Georgia since has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition it remain part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

5.   Muslim separatists demanded talks with the Philippine government Monday after renewing threats to kill an American hostage who they said is growing gravely ill.

6.   Talks to free the hostages have been conducted by Dagestani officials, although the separatists have demanded that Russian military representatives attend.

7.   Tbilisi has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition it remains part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

8.   The jailed separatist had demanded that France and Spain jail ETA prisoners in Basque country rather than send them to faraway prisons.

9.   The Georgian government has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition it remains part of Georgia, but the separatists demand full independence.

10.   The Georgian government has offered Abkhazia broad autonomy on condition it remains part of Georgia, but the separatists have demanded full independence.

n. + demand >>共 1253
group 3.60%
rebel 2.85%
government 2.78%
leader 2.77%
official 2.33%
protester 2.26%
union 1.94%
investor 1.90%
worker 1.79%
student 1.69%
separatist 0.44%
separatist + v. >>共 284
be 6.37%
say 4.94%
fight 4.19%
want 3.10%
demand 2.85%
claim 2.51%
win 2.43%
control 2.01%
attack 2.01%
have 1.76%
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