1.   The border police searched the car for drugs and other contraband.

2.   As a result, expanded airport security forces are searching cars more often than in the past and are jotting down license plates of many vehicles.

3.   As the day wore on, these police units established order, searching cars and patrolling the streets.

4.   At the gate, the two were ordered out of their car and questioned while the car was searched, Maqtari said.

5.   Authorities said the trooper asked Kirkpatrick for permission to search the car, and Kirkpatrick agreed.

6.   Baer initially threw out the evidence because he said the police did not have sufficient reason to stop and search the car.

7.   Because there was probable cause to search the car, the search was valid even without a warrant, the unsigned opinion said.

8.   A few barks and paw scratches were all the police needed for probable cause to search the car.

9.   A judge cleared Chicago Bears defensive end Alonzo Spellman of a felony weapons charge, citing a lack of probable cause for police to search his car.

10.   A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the Constitution forbids police officers from automatically searching the cars of motorists they have pulled over for traffic violations.

v. + car >>共 652
drive 6.53%
stop 3.48%
buy 3.32%
park 3.16%
sell 3.06%
steal 2.68%
damage 2.25%
have 1.92%
hit 1.64%
use 1.61%
search 1.29%
search + n. >>共 595
area 8.95%
house 6.05%
home 6.00%
car 4.97%
vehicle 3.66%
building 3.10%
bag 2.72%
apartment 2.14%
site 1.99%
office 1.87%
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