1.   The campaigners Margaret Thatcher is a rarity among national leaders in that she has a science background.

2.   But because a taxonomist has a science background, he can help with interpretation, Prance said.

3.   But jurors who have little if any science background can get very confused, Zweig said.

4.   For a few applicants without science backgrounds, he has places in the Spier shop.

5.   I asked him about his education, training and science background, in other words, the guidance he had received in the process of this experiment.

6.   Montgomery says most staff members have a science background, such as meteorology or oceanography.

7.   No science background required.

8.   The Loudcloud founders all have computer science backgrounds, and they set up a research and development program as soon as the company was started.

9.   Wild theorizing is not limited to people with no science background, said Dr. Benjamin Bederson, a physicist at New York University.

10.   With demand for lawyers with science backgrounds at an all-time high, a Boston law firm is creating its own talent pool.

n. + background >>共 218
business 8.32%
middle-class 4.16%
football 2.63%
microwave 2.41%
science 2.41%
sport 2.41%
law 2.19%
class 1.97%
art 1.53%
management 1.53%
science + n. >>共 350
teacher 6.35%
class 3.89%
project 3.65%
experiment 3.45%
professor 2.56%
standard 2.46%
writer 2.27%
student 2.27%
lab 2.22%
department 2.12%
background 0.54%
每页显示:    共 11