1.   -- The scenic Utah vistas during the cross-country and downhill races were spectacular.

2.   A third spoke of the regional planning policies here, which for decades have sought to preserve residential character, agricultural land and scenic vistas.

3.   He and other critics say cities must do more than simply cooperate with developers if they want to preserve scenic vistas.

4.   Ideal climate, scenic vistas, next door to Mexico.

5.   It is everything in these canyons, changing a scenic vista you have surveyed just five minutes ago into something entirely new in shape and hue.

6.   Most were in response to ads promoting fishing, hunting, horseback riding and the scenic vistas.

7.   On the big screen, a cowboy rides tall in the saddle, moving rhythmically against a background of scenic vistas and towering rock.

8.   Picnic tables at the most scenic vistas.

9.   Scenic vistas notwithstanding, the service was slow.

10.   The French director delivers a wealth of scenic vistas, as well as some thrilling mountaineering sequences, but fails to enrich the audience.

a. + vista >>共 148
new 11.31%
breathtaking 4.76%
spectacular 4.76%
scenic 4.76%
sweeping 4.46%
magnificent 2.68%
beautiful 2.68%
panoramic 2.38%
stunning 2.08%
endless 2.08%
scenic + n. >>共 208
route 6.41%
mountain 3.95%
view 3.62%
area 3.29%
drive 3.29%
beauty 3.29%
spot 2.80%
vista 2.63%
design 2.30%
designer 2.14%
每页显示:    共 16